Results: The main causes of postpartum hemorrhage were as follows: uterine inertia, placenta factor, some birth canal injury, coagulation functional disturbance and so on. 结果:产后出血原因:宫缩乏力、胎盘因素、软产道损伤、凝血功能障碍等。
Uterine Artery Embolization for Placenta Increta 子宫动脉栓塞术治疗胎盘植入8例临床分析
Application of uterine artery embolization in induced abortion with placenta previa 子宫动脉栓塞术在中孕胎盘前置状态引产中的应用
Analysis of clinical efficacy of uterine cavity ribbon gauze packing for treatment of hematorrhea during cesarean section in32 cases of placenta praevia. 子宫腔填塞纱条治疗前置胎盘剖宫产术中大出血32例分析。
Objective: To discuss the value of performed uterine suture early in hemostasis of placenta previa during caesarean section ( method A). 前言:目的:探讨尽早缝合子宫(A法)对前置胎盘剖宫产时出血的止血效果。
Clinical analysis of injection ethacridin in uterine cavity to treat placenta accreta 依沙吖啶宫腔注入法治疗胎盘植入的临床观察
In control group, traditional hysterotokotomy were used for instance incision of lower uterine segment were sutured after manual removal of placenta or massage fundus of uterus, and used the same uterine contraction drugs as the experimental group. 对照组采用传统的方法按摩宫底或经人工剥离娩出胎盘后再行缝合子宫切口。缩宫素的应用同实验组。
Relationship between postpartum hemorrhage and the uterine curettage and placenta adhesion 刮宫术和胎盘粘连及相关因素与产后出血的关系
Results: The primary reason of postpartum hemorrhage was the weakness of uterine contraction in 209 cases. The placenta factor and laceration of birth canal was the second cause. 结果:产后出血的首位原因是子宫收缩乏力(209例),其次是胎盘因素及软产道裂伤。
When the patient has anaemia, pulse, faint cold, the fetal heart sounds abnormity or disappear, high uterine tone, ultrasound show fluid dark section back placenta, in late pregnancy, we bethink of placental abruption. 结论除典型疼痛性阴道出血外,妊娠晚期不明原因贫血、脉快、厥冷伴胎心异常或消失、高张性子宫、B超显示胎盘后液性暗区均有助本病诊断。
Study on blood flow-volume in Umbilical and Uterine Arteries and Pathology of the Placenta in Pregnancy complicated with SLE 妊娠合并SLE胎盘病理及脐和子宫动脉血流量测定
The first rea-son of uterine bleeding was some kind of abnormal placenta related to frequent abortion. 子宫出血的首位原因是各种胎盘异常,其发生与多次流产有关;
Result: The main causes were uterine atony, soft birth canal laceration, retained placenta and membranes, blood coagulation dysfunction etc. 结果:主要病因依次为子宫收缩乏力、软产道裂伤、胎盘胎膜残留、凝血功能障碍等。
Major indications are: rupture of the uterus, atonic postpartum uterine bleeding, infections during parturition, hematoma nearby the uterus, and placenta accreta. 主要指征是子宫破裂、子宫收缩乏力性产后出血、产间感染、宫旁血肿、植入胎盘。
The reasons of obstetrics hemorrhage treated by hysterectomy in turns were placenta previa complicated with accreta, uterine atony, uterine rupture, placenta abruption complicated with uteroplacental apoplexy and so on in our hospital. 产科出血子宫切除的原因及手术指征依次为前置胎盘合并胎盘植入、子宫收缩乏力、子宫破裂、胎盘早剥合并子宫卒中等。
The etiological factors of postpartum hemorrhage were uterine inertia ( 61.11%), the placenta factors ( 20%), soft obstetrical canal crack ( 11.11%) and coagulation disorders ( 7.78%). 产后出血原因依次为:子宫收缩乏力(6111%)、胎盘因素(20%)、软产道裂伤(1111%)、凝血功能障碍(778%)。
Objective: To investigate the relationship between postpartum hemorrhage and the parturient woman age, pregnant weeks, times of pregnancy, the uterine curettage history and the placenta adhesion. 目的:探讨产妇年龄、孕周、产次、刮宫史、胎盘粘连与产后出血的关系。
Efficiently expression of iNOS could promote production of NO, accordingly inhibit uterine contraction, and initiate inflammatory reaction, so it affected commonly separation between foetal placenta and maternal placenta. iNOS的高效表达促进NO的产生,从而抑制子宫收缩,引发炎症反应,影响胎儿胎盘与母体胎盘的正常分离。
Intraoperative findings: There was a contents of uterine cavity, unequal-sized vesicular tissue,, on the posterior uterine wall. The hydatidiform mole tissue was combined with the placental of the oldest daughter. Pathologic diagnosis of placenta was showed partial hydatidiform mole. 术中见:子宫后壁见大小不等的水泡样组织与长女胎盘相续,术后胎盘病理诊断为部分性葡萄胎。
It can also improve pathologic damnification of placenta and uterine helical artery, elevate vigor of placental nutrient cells and the formation of villus by restraining the immune reaction of placenta. 并通过抑制胎盘部位的免疫反应,改善胎盘及子宫螺旋小动脉病理损伤,防止胎盘后出血,提高胎盘滋养细胞活力和绒毛生成等。
With the artificial abortion, induced labor operation and uterine fibroids factors such as increase, placenta previa incidence increased significantly, especially the central type placenta previa, can lead to fatal hemorrhage. 随着人工流产,引产及子宫肌瘤手术等因素的增加,前置胎盘发生率明显增加,尤其是中央型前置胎盘,可以导致致命性出血。